Far from the Tree Review

Sheila Mwanda, Staff Writer

After giving birth to her daughter and putting her up for adoption, sixteen -year-old Grace seeks to learn more about her own biological family. During her search, she finds out that she has an older brother, Joaquin, and a younger sister named Maya. As Grace readjusts to life post-pregnancy, she learns that family extends beyond who you live with or who you share blood with. As siblings, the three of them find a new sense of family and safety with in each other.

I would give this book 4.5 out of 5 stars. Throughout the book, I enjoy that one can see how the characters grow and change as people. I also enjoy that each of the characters each have their own personal struggles throughout the book and they leaned on each other in order to get through them. However, Joaquin’s character is written to have less importance than Grace and Maya.

Through three different perspectives, laughter, tears and passion, Author Robin Benway beautifully extends the definition of family.