The Art of Art


Megan Rinock, Illustrator

Well, if you’ve ever picked up the Northern Light newspaper, then you would know that before this year, we never had any artwork inside, now did we? Well, now we have a cartoonist; yours truly! But this article isn’t about me, or at least, not exactly! This is more about art itself, and what anyone can do with a pencil, a sheet of paper and imagination (where’s Spongebob when I need him?)

Some of you might not have any interest in art. Alright, that’s cool. But for those of you with an interest, read on! I’ll give you some tips and tricks that I’ve learned over the years. I’m not a professional artist, but hey, anyone can try.

My personal tips:

  1. Look at other people’s art! Seriously, it’s one of the best things to do! Don’t compare. That’s one of the worst things to do. But at least look and see what you can take from them.
  2. Wanna know how to get proportions just right? Ironically, using stick figures helps. I know, right? Those poor excuses for people that we drew back in kindergarten actually help with proportions more than most people know. Simply put, the torso is as tall as two heads put together. The wrists are at the hip area. The legs are about as long as the torso and head together. Viola!
  3. Looking up tutorials are a great way to strengthen your art skills. I recommend DrawWithJazza, a YouTuber artist who has taught me many tricks of the trade.
  4. The weirdest thing about art is that the best ideas come from the weirdest places. If you have any favorite YouTubers, watch one of their videos and see if you can get ideas from what they say. I have a love for gaming channels, and one of my personal favorites is KuleDud3. She says funny stuff all the time, and it gives me something to draw when I don’t have anything else to draw!
  5. No ideas? Been there! I recently just got off my own art block. What I found helpful was drawing mundane objects around the house. I drew lamps. I drew my cats. I even drew the Five Night’s at Freddy’s poster hanging on my wall. Or, if you want a real challenge, take one of your younger sibling’s toys (or any that you have lying around) and draw that. I purposely keep a small toy car near when I’m drawing cars. It’s amazing what you can do with everyday objects!
  6. Wanna draw but you’re having trouble getting motivated? Here’s a little advice I always follow: nothing will ever get done unless you do it. Obvious? Yeah. But if you feel like you’ll have to go through heck to get the picture done, well, isn’t that half the fun?

Well, there you have it! Art tips from a fellow artist. Maybe I’m not the best, but it never hurts to exchange with a fellow artist, right? Keep on drawing, yo!