Huskie Den celebrates annual opening
September 23, 2022

As the Husky Den officially reopened September 6th, students can find new and old Huskie gear available for purchase during first and second lunch. Portage Northern’s marketing teacher Jeanine Patterson has been guiding students in leading the Huskie Den for 20 years.
The Den, run by Patterson’s advanced marketing class, sells all different kinds of PN apparel such as hoodies, t-shirts, and long sleeves. The Den also sells slushies for $1 during both lunches. The students are also responsible for setting up the displays: “It takes me about 20 minutes,” said sophomore Vaughnzell Tyus.
While students running the Den are required to have done marketing first, being able to work in the store is a huge motivation for students to go on to be in advanced marketing. “I took Advanced Marketing because I like Mrs. Patterson and I took marketing in freshman year, says sophomore Angel Hernandez. “I liked the class so I wanted to take Advanced Marketing and hopefully get into the Huskie den as soon as possible.” Classmate and senior Tyler Bombich liked the idea of being able to hang with his friends while also doing productive hands-on work in a class. “I did this class to learn marketing things,” he said.
The Den provides an opportunity for high school students to learn about the responsibilities of running a business and to have experience in marketing and promoting the business. All of the money made from the Den goes mostly towards paying bills and money owed to the administration for expenses. After those are paid, at the end of the year, left over money can be transferred into the DECA account to cover the activities that members in that club participate in, including going to Nationals. “Just last year the den made about eight and a half grand,” said senior Connor Tanis.
The Den is open during first and second lunch, or students and families can order here.