Anime Club allows students to explore diverse interests

Liam Fagan, Staff Writer

Every Wednesday, the anime club of Portage Northern meets after school to play games, and of course, watch anime. They meet in Nott’s room in the art wing. Seniors Mandy Kellogg and Lily Griffioen are the leaders of the Anime Club and run the meetings.

From left to right, Jonathon Carlisle, Alex Roy, and T’yonne Caper participate as Roy emerges as the product of fusion from Dragon Ball at an anime club meeting. Photo by Mandy Kellogg.

“In club, we tie Japanese culture in with anime and various other games; we’ve learned the language during some meetings, played jeopardy, done scavenger hunts, and made traditional Japanese dishes. We aim to have fun and learn more, using our mutual liking of anime to have a great time,” Kellogg said.

The meetings are a loud, raucous occasion, with vibrant discussion, and a bond shared between all attendees. When it isn’t a discussion day,  the club may be playing games, cooking, doing scavenger hunts, or watching anime. Even if someone doesn’t know much about anime, it doesn’t matter. All knowledge levels are welcome. The conversations are wild, as any question can be asked. Even if they get off track, the conversation always works its way back to the original topic. The meetings typically end at around 4:10.

People who come to the meetings try to as often as possible. “For the most part I come every week. It’s a lot of fun,” said freshman Wes Halloran. People even Have their favorite activities. “The scavenger hunts are my favorite,” said junior Alex Roy. The club gets clues, and searches around the art room for more clues, in hopes of winning a candy prize. Roy has discovered a way to cheat the system. “The end clue is always Mandy or Lily,” he said.

The club is full of hardcore anime fans and a range of people who simply enjoy it. The meetings are loud and exciting occasions, and everyone can have a fun time.