Huskie Hockey Season Recap

Allison Mackenzie, Feature editor

The Portage Northern Varsity boys celebrate a goal against the Jackson United Vikings


The Portage Northern Varsity Hockey team had a fulfilling season. With a season running from mid November to mid February, it has been a long one full of several practices and games.

In order to train for the hectic season, the team practices every day except for game days. Not only that, but they have a variety of training as well. “We have summer hockey and dry land which prepares us as well,” says Griffin McLeod (11). These varied practices help to thoroughly train the guys for the season on and off of the ice.

The hockey practices and games may be stressful, however, several fantastic memories can arise as well. “My favorite memory from this season is getting to play against my brother,” says McLeod. Team Captain, Eli Cartier (12), says that “his favorite memory is scoring a hat trick and the overtime winner versus the Eagles.”

Before the games, the boys have different pre-game rituals in order to get ready. “I always eat chicken and a white chocolate macadamia nut crunchy clif bar during warmups,” says Cartier.

In order to celebrate a win the boys blast music in the locker room and analyze the reasons as to why they won. “ We also give it to the fans to get hype with the boys,” says Cartier. When they lose they practice harder and talk aver all of the problems associated with the loss in order to overcome it.

Given their hectic schedule, the Huskie boys had a season full of growth which allows for an even better season next year.