How to prep for a music festival

February 17, 2016
Once upon a time, concert-goers dressed carefree and comfortable. But we’re evolving, and we require that three and a half hours to get the bohemian, lazy, just-woke-up look. Here is all you need to know to prep for your festival excursion.
- Flower Crowns: At first they were in, then they were out, and now they’re back in, I think. Either opt for a neutral white, blush, red, or just go cray- ZEE and get the multicolored ones. Opt for black if you’re super underground indie. Spend a good ten minutes positioning it just right, and secure it.
- Dots on your face: These should represent the sun the moon and covering up acne. They should generally surround the eyes. This is where you can truly represent “Festival You,” which is different from “Daytime You” and also different from “Date Night You.” Just use paint, or if you’re really feeling that free spirit vibe, you can go for dirt or tree sap. Take a pencil and dip the eraser in your liquid of choice and put it on.
- Fanny Pack: Really any kind of ironic ode to oldies festivals. “Fanny Packs are my favorite accessory to pair with my festival outfits,” said Kendall Jenner, probably. I guess you could also choose a tie die satchel that you most likely bought from Canada or a fringe satchel. Any satchel will do.
- Crop Tops: Totally gender neutral. You’re basically going for the whole I’m so sweaty from cheering on all these singers that inspire me more than the lightbulb aesthetic. By chance you do get chilly, which is highly unlikely because of global warming*, pair your top with a billowing cardigan that reaches your shin. It should be sheer or a bulky fringy kimono-esque parka.
- Snapchat: An accessory in itself. Because Pic or it didn’t happen, and EVERYONE has to know it happened.
- Tamborine: By bringing an instrument of your own, not only do you appear like you’re in the band that everyone loves (but never heard of), you will appear so totally enraptured in music. People eat that up.
- Feet: Here’s the dealio. You can either go barefoot, so as to be one with the dirt you put on your face, wear sandals,(ONLY BLACK OR GOLD OR THEY WILL NOT LET YOU IN) sneakers, or combat boots (the kinds you might wear to formal would be fine)Or, the new trend is these little crochet feet bracelets. They’re tied from one toe to the ankle and they should be white. Crocs if you wanna be ironic.
- Pants: Pants. Skirt. Shorts. Allow me to specify. The pants should be more like pajamas, so much so that at first glance you can’t tell that they’re not a skirt. Skirts should be either a high-low, or a maxi skirt. If you can’t conceal a child under it, you’re doing it wrong. Shorts should either be high-waisted or unflattering pants that were cut into shorts right at the knee so they’re less flattering but more fashionable (Mom jeans work well).
- Sunglasses: You and I both know they’re sunglasses, but when you step inside the gates, they must henceforth be known as “sunnies.” They should be round like the ones Elton John wore when he was still alive. Perhaps they have a blue tint(or black is accepted too)? Or maybe they have flower appliques surrounding the lens? Yep, that’s perfect.
- Spray Bottle: Just a spray bottle filled with water. You can use to it to spray people so that they are temporarily distracted and you can get to the front of the crowd. Once you get there, if you’re sweaty (global warming*), you can spray yo’self. Win. Win.
*For more information on global warming visit