What you give
November 3, 2021

What you give matters. We live in a world where all too often we have linked the value of a person with the amount of fancy things they own, like how many gaming systems a person has, and the type of brand clothes a person wears, or how many followers a person has on social media. We constantly focus more on what we have, but what would happen if instead we focused more on what we give? If we focus more on the kindness we could give the world, like helping someone pick up their books and papers in the hallway, giving someone a compliment, or even simply giving someone a smile, then we could make more of an impact than we previously thought we could. What we give is way more important than what we have, because what we give could change someone’s life. If we go through life constantly searching for something out of reach, we will miss all the things in life that really matter. Instead, I purpose that today we try and give something; even the littlest things could completely change how a person’s day is remembered. What we have doesn’t matter, but what we give does.