New history teacher Aaron Warfield finds joy in students and colleagues

As an intern for history teacher Greathen Derenne last year, Aaron Warfield felt drawn to teach at PN. “When I first came here, all of the staff made me feel welcomed, appreciated, and valued,” he said, “and the students have some of the best personalities in all of the school districts I have worked in.”

Making the jump from intern to full time teacher can be daunting, but Warfield wasn’t fazed. “To be honest, the transition from being an intern to being a teacher was pretty smooth,” he says. “I’ve learned that the best experience is field experience so being able to just do the job with the support of my social studies department has been the best lesson for me.”
The social studies department is more than happy to have Warfield as a colleague. History teacher Amber Dixon worked with Warfield on his pre-internship. “As a pre-intern, he was confident and ready to go from day one,” she recalls. Derenne also gives Warfield a glowing review: “Mr. Warfield was an excellent intern,” she says. “He is smart, witty, energetic, kind and empathetic. He is also a great prankster constantly trying to startle Mrs. Dixon and myself.”
Watching Warfield in the classroom, it is obvious that he has an interactive teaching style and is always trying to find new ways to include everyone. “His energy is like one of those chill Tiktok teachers,” said junior Sophia Tafoya.
While he’s only been in his own classroom a few short weeks, Warfield is sincerely enjoying his time at PN. “My favorite thing about teaching at PNHS is the PEOPLE (students and staff), hands down,” he says. “I have been in several districts over the last three years, and I have not found any team that can compare to my Huskie family.”

Brie Quick is a freshman and it is her first year on the Portage Northern Light staff. “I love to write and want a platform to express and show my work,”...