New year, new hair
January 4, 2021

For as long as I can remember, I have been getting blonde highlights in my hair. It all started when I was the ripe age of six, and I’ve been hooked ever since. Who in their right mind would allow a six year old to get their hair colored? The answer simply is: my aunt who is a hairdresser and was very excited for her first niece. I remember feeling like the coolest little girl in the world as I strolled into the gas station to pass the time of hair curing to buy snacks with my mom and aunt with foil still in my hair. I didn’t know anyone else my age who was getting their hair colored.
After about eleven years of getting my hair colored, my hair ended up looking pretty light, and I couldn’t even remember what my original hair color looked like. I was convinced that this hair color would be the one I stuck with for the foreseeable future. However, after the crazy year of 2020, I decided to do something completely different and out of my comfort zone: dye my hair back to its original color.
The days leading up to my appointment (with my aunt of course), I was extremely nervous about this big change, but I knew it was going to be my own way of getting back at the year. Changing the color of my hair was me taking control of my life, and committing myself to the idea that I can shape how my life is going to turn out and don’t have to let the events in this past year change the way I look at things.
Now that we have officially entered into the new year, I encourage everyone to take a chance to take control of their life, and do something new or out of your comfort zone. It can be as simple as trying a new food or redoing your room, or even going out of way and doing something more extreme. Whatever it is, take time to say goodbye to 2020 by showing that you came out of the year stronger than ever and ready to take control.