Undefeated: the class of 2021 wins their fourth Powderpuff game
November 3, 2020

The pressure was on for this year’s senior class of 2021 to keep their winning streak for powderpuff going. They won last year by a measly four yards and the scoreboard reading zero to zero. This achievement didn’t faze the junior class of 2022. In fact, it only made them want to win even more. “Whenever any of us were intimidated, others or our coaches would hype us up so we could get our head back in the game,” says junior Charlotte Wilson.
The seniors on the other hand, had mixed feelings going into the game. “I was nervous because we had lost 4 of our players, but I was excited also because I knew it was going to be fun. I felt like we had prepared well, especially on offense, so I was excited to play one last game with everyone,” says senior Brooke Hoag.
As soon as the game started, it became clear that it wasn’t going to be like the past game that the seniors played. “This year’s game we were a lot more focused, and I think the field width made a huge difference. We had more room room to do what we wanted. The other factor was the physicality. The game this year was much more physical than last year, but I overall I think it was more fun than last year!” says Hoag.
The seniors scored their first ever touchdown in the two years they played in the second quarter. They decided to go for a two point conversion, and were triumphant in their attempt. This early success was the turning point for the game, and only pushed both sides to play even harder.
The juniors, striving for a victory, pushed against the senior’s defenses, and scored a touchdown in the beginning of the fourth quarter. They then also went for a two point conversion, and with a very effective trick play, left the seniors stunned as they ran into the end zone with no interference. With the game tied up, both the juniors and seniors were determined to succeed.
In the end, with many pep talks from coaches Anthony Tyus, Chris McManus, Jaleel Williams, and Aj Harris, the seniors scored another touchdown towards the end of the fourth quarter. They weren’t satisfied with their six point lead, so they went for another two point conversion and were successful in their efforts. The game ended 16-8 and the class of 2021 holding the title for reigning champions in powderpuff.
Bri • Nov 3, 2020 at 10:11 am
Nice job seniors!