Twenty One Pilots release quarantine-inspired track
On April 9th, Twenty One Pilots released their new single “Level of Concern” all about COVID-19 and quarantine. This song has been bringing a lot of joy and happiness to the band’s fans and others, and in the song, lead vocalist Tyler Joseph sings about how as long as the people around him tell him that everything is going to be alright and that everything is going to be okay and that we are all going to be alright and okay together as a whole that it will lower his level of concern on the situation. It’s a great message that the band wanted to spread to everyone that as long as we’re together on this and tell each other that we’ll be alright and make it through this that it will lower our concern and bring more hope into our lives given the current situation.
While the song is inspiring, Joseph and drummer Josh Dun also wanted to dedicate a portion of this new single to crew nation. They bring up the point that all concerts for all artists are on pause right now, which means that the crew members of all the artists are out of work. The band reinforces how important crew members are and that they are “the backbone” for artists. They even took the time to make a new sweatshirt available on their online store that says Crew Nation on it that they are selling and donating the money from the sales to those crew members that are out of work. Twenty One Pilots really believes that we can all get through COVID-19 together, and their new single just might make you believe it, too.

Kellie Miles is a senior and has been on the Northern Light staff for 2 years now. “I decided to join the Northern Light staff because Dr.Thorpe gave...