Brand Loyalty: A fashion fad or fashion fraud?

Brand Loyalty: A fashion fad or fashion fraud?

April 25, 2018


Do or don’t: Nike shirt, Adidas track pants with the latest Air Jordan’s. Those who think “don’t” are a specific kind of consumer known as a brand loyalist. In today’s world of business, brand loyalty is essential not only for businesses, but for consumers themselves.

To begin with, being loyal to specific brands allows one to get to know the values that a brand upholds. “You vote with your dollar” is a common phrase used to show the power people have over a brand by choosing whether or not to buy the goods and services provided by a company. Loyalty to brands allows people to be conscious of the ideals that they are supporting. Most people want to support brands and companies that share their same political and ethical values, and establishing close relationships with a few specific brands makes this easier.

In addition, brand loyalty ensures consumer satisfaction in terms of the products they purchase. Choosing a brand and sticking with it allows one to know the quality of what they are buying and thus won’t be disappointed from buying products that aren’t worth their price. On the same note, consumers will be able to gauge whether or not what they are purchasing is worth its dollar amount.

People also choose to be brand loyal to brands due to aesthetic reasons. Brands intentionally design their products so that they can look good together. In several aspects, such as colors, material, and logo design, sticking to one brand makes ensembles such as outfits and art more appealing to the eye.

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Nike, Adidas, Gucci, Thrasher, Louis Vuitton, Victoria’s Secret, Champion and Calvin Klein are all brands that grace the halls of PN. The brands themselves aren’t the problem, though: brand loyalty is.

Junior Sarah Headapohl explains that, “it just looks better when you wear the same brand clothing, but also you should wear what you’re comfortable in.” This is exactly the kind of logic these companies want consumers to believe. You start off with a Nike shirt, but then you have to complete the outfit with the pants and shoes.

Brand loyalty isn’t just in high school, it’s infiltrated the middle school as well. “Brands are cooler,” says twelve year-old North Middle School student Harrison Byers. “If I wear my $70 Adidas shoes that have Adidas written over them in huge letters, I’m getting more compliments, but if I’m wearing them with Nike pants, I’m having other kids telling me not to do that.” Byers touches on an important point: brand loyalty fuels peer pressure. If you spend the money on the over priced clothing in the first place, why can’t you just mix what you want?

Brand loyalty is feeding into the minds of children and trying to get them to spend more money and feel that they can’t wear what they want. First it was “name brand only,” now it’s “one name brand only.” What’s next?

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