Huskie Homecoming: Portage Northern wins against Kalamazoo Central
September 25, 2017
This past Friday, Portage Northern witnessed an eventful 2018 homecoming celebration.
The super fans, lead by senior Lizzie Verduzco, cheered on the varsity football team by having an “orange-out” dress code for the student section. Verduzco noted that this was the “biggest crowd” in the student section that she has seen this year.
The superfans cheered on the team to a decisive 21-6 homecoming victory over Kalamazoo Central. The Freshman and JV teams also celebrated victory over KC earlier in homecoming week.
During halftime, homecoming court from all grades walked across the track. Ultimately, student body President Lauren Michelli and beloved, music-blasting Deontrae Morgan won the highest title of homecoming queen and king.
For students, homecoming was a perfect, victorious way to ring in the start of the new school year.