Sleepy students: The new ten minute earlier start time at PNHS

New 7:35 start time
October 5, 2014
“I honestly thought it was kind of ridiculous,” said Haley Jordan (10). Like Jordan, many students complained when they found out about the new ten minute earlier start time at Portage Northern High School. Though several students thought the change was a way to make up for lost school days, the new schedule was initially arranged to allow more time for the elementary schools’ bus runs.
For many students, waking up and leaving their houses earlier to get to school on time was something they had to start doing this year. “I think waking up earlier can actually make things worse in terms of how people are learning,” said Cassandra Thompson (10). Some students say they find themselves more tired and less focused in the morning because they have to wake up earlier. “I’d rather go ten minutes later than ten minutes earlier,” said Erin Sullivan (9).
Most students found out about the new schedule when they read the summer packet the school sent out in the mail this summer. As expected, they said they felt disappointed. “I was angry,” said Lauren Michelli (9). Many people had no idea why they did it. Some people thought it was to make up for the snow days that occurred last winter, but that was not the case. “It was designed to allow more time for the elementary bus runs,” said Jim Shaffer, a math teacher at Portage Northern High School.
While all that’s heard is complaints, many people believe the new start time benefits the students and teachers. Several students think it helps the teachers leave earlier after school because they have a little more time to get things done during school. Students also say they believe the students benefit from it because they have more time to learn.
Whether the students and teachers do or do not like the new schedule, it does have a purpose. “It’s only ten minutes,” said Kaitlyn Fredricks (9).
5 ways to avoid being late to school:
- Stop getting Bigby on the way to school.
- Don’t push the snooze button a million times.
- Do homework the night before.
- Cut down the getting ready time.
- Bring snacks to school because eating breakfast at home is not an option.