New school policies

New 7:35 start time
October 8, 2014
7:35 Start Time:
From a high schooler’s point of view, that is 10 minutes less sleep, so of course, they would oppose, but let’s look at the pros, shall we? “In my opinion, it’s not about where the time is placed, its about the added time in the classroom with our teachers increasing student learning,” says Principal Jim French. Ten minutes a day times approximately one hundred eighty days of school equals out to approximately three and a quarter more days of class time. Instruction wise, that is a long time. It relieves a bit of the time crunch students and teachers are on throughout the year. Rationally thinking about it, it is ten minutes, not an hour. It is not that big of a deal to get up 10 minutes earlier. Go to bed earlier, cut something out of your morning routine, it does not matter. Quit being babies.
Ten Minute Reading in Seminars:
This year especially there is a myriad amount of seminars due to student demand, and a new policy is the ten minute reading requirement when the bell rings. Those who had Ms. Miller 9th grade are familiar with this already; it’s a great way to promote reading. “I don’t read on my own, so the ten minutes kind of forces me to read, to pick a book I like,” says Gabby Penn (10). There are kids just like Gabby when it comes to this new policy. With sports, academia, and other activities not all of us have the energy or motivation to read for fun.
New Start Time:
10 minutes more, it does add about three more days to the school year, and that is excellent in the administration’s eyes, but what good does it really do? Admin is thinking long term, long term, long term.. but short term? The ten minutes is divvied up between seven different classes. So take that big number admin keeps throwing out and divide it by seven. “It messes up the whole class schedule I’ve gotten used to over the years,” says senior Adam Alexander.
“I’m a transfer student and the busses have to come even earlier,” says Penn, “it’s exhausting.” Penn had to wake up early before to catch her ride, now even earlier. It is a huge change for some with what it seems to be little advantages in the long run.
Ten Minute Reading in Seminars:
Seminars. Are. For. Homework. Kudos for trying to make us read, there are kids who really benefit, and that is great, but for those who are not religious readers, are wasting precious homework time on a hobby that the district seems to be forcing upon them. “It’s a good concept but that wastes homework time for the kids who don’t read and just blow it off,” says Alexander(12). It is true. There are some kids who will refuse to do this because they simply do not like reading, and no person or rule can change that. Kids that do not have a boat load of homework to finish, make them read. There are kids who fool around on their phones and take naps, if anything, make those kids read.
I personally can not decide how I feel about these two new policies. The high schooler in me hates that I have to wake up earlier and that my homework time is being compromised, but in retrospect all they are trying to do is promote reading and increase class time instruction. My advice is to form your own opinion, but just remember that admin is not trying to ruin your life or make your mornings worse, they are doing what they think is best for us.