Link Leaders introduce freshman to the Huskie Way

Link Leaders preparing for freshmen orientation
August 29, 2014
“It was fun. My leaders worked hard to make my first Northern experience significant,” said Lucas Luyckx (9). Luyckx is one of the hundreds of freshman who showed up Thursday, August 28 to tour the school, learn some Northern rules and expectations, and meet some Huskies. “I met some of my teachers, my counselor, the principals, and a ton of freshman, just like me,” said Luyckx.
The new organization, Link Leaders, managed by Mr. Killmer, Ms. Derenne, and Ms. Francis, worked very hard to help out the newbies and to impact Portage Northern in a positive manner. The Leaders, made up of upper classmen, have a number of freshman on their list, and are making an effort to make the transition from middle school to high school more effective and enjoyable. Although the leaders worked hard to manage the freshmen orientation, they are not finished. Throughout the year, the Link Leaders will stay in touch and help their students. Whether tutoring with standardized tests, meeting to prepare for an upcoming event, or simply checking in with their freshmen, the Leaders are committed for the school year.
“[The Link Leaders and th
eir staff] ROCK!” said Ms. Miller, English teacher. Ms. Walker in the media center agreed saying, “It was terrific! The leaders and their freshmen students were so positive.” Check off another outstanding idea and event making Northern one of the best high schools around.